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United States of America
A Rebate Service Working since 2009
up to $16 pips of spread
Partner ID: KLX
InstaForex was founded back in 2007, and has now over 260 local offices throughout the world. A true ECN broker, InstaForex always makes sure all binding obligations are fully met. When it comes to both verification and trading processes, the broker sticks to very strict standards.

News InstaForex


Dear friends! The Christmas spirit has been already in the air, filling the hearts of people with the anticipation of miracles. We congratulate you on the upcoming fun-filled holiday! May the festivities bring you love, happiness, and harmony!

Make sure you spare time for a well-deserved Christmas getaway. What could be better than shifting focus away from a daily routine and devoting attention to warm socializing with your nearest and dearest? What a rewarding feeling to hear delighted laughter and smell a delicious Christmas feast at your cozy home!

Do not forget to find time for yourself and recover your physical resources during the holiday. May every moment of Christmas charge you with positive energy for the full year ahead!

Last but not least, we wish you more accomplishments and victories with InstaForex! We want to remind you that each and every customer belongs to our huge family! We highly appreciate your trust and aspire to do everything possible to meet your expectations.

Enjoy Christmas!

With best wishes,

InstaForex team
