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InstaForex was founded back in 2007, and has now over 260 local offices throughout the world. A true ECN broker, InstaForex always makes sure all binding obligations are fully met. When it comes to both verification and trading processes, the broker sticks to very strict standards.

News InstaForex


The month of September has very few holidays interrupting trading, similar to August. The only significant market holiday affecting the schedule is September 6, Labor Day in the US and Canada. On this day, trading US-listed securities will be unavailable. Trading currency pairs involving the US dollar, such as EUR/USD, USD/CNY, and USD/RUB will be halted for the day in many FX markets around the world, like the Moscow Exchange.

On September 6, only markets in the US will be closed, which will greatly boost demand for unconventional and non-convertible assets. Traders could take advantage of the situation by buying these assets in advance and selling them on this day. It is unlikely to bring significant profit, but the earned gains and experience will still make it worthwhile.

The Tokyo Stock Exchange will be closed on September 19, Japan’s Old Age Day, as well as on September 23, the autumn equinox, which is a traditional holiday for the exchange in Tokyo. On these days, Japanese securities will be traded via the CFD market.

Throughout the rest of the month, global financial markets will follow their regular schedule.
